How Do I Choose A Notebook

How Do I Choose A Notebook

I am going to share my experience of how to choose a notebook. Or to be more precise, how to choose a tool when taking notes.
This is what I conclude after more than twenty years of notes taking. I hope that the way I found the most suitable tools for myself can be a hint to you on choosing a good notebook.
During my life from school to office, I have tried countless notebooks. Now I found best notebook for different kinds of purposes.

Study Notes
I am thirty now but I keep learning even after graduation from college. I used normal notebooks before and I finally turned to leather binder when I got into college.
A slim notebook is good but I have to use a lot of them for only one subject. It's hard to keep them all. And I hate the feeling of changing a notebook while a subject is not over. But a thick notebook is too heavy to carry to school. A leather binder notebook help to solve it all.
I get one A4 binder notebook for every subject. I will take out some pieces of page when I go to school and organize them after school. I love to keep all notes in one journal.
Sometimes you go back the earlier notes when you are learning the later lessons. It helps to comprehend the whole course. It's annoying if they are not in the same notebook.
I used once iPad apps to take notes but I did not get use to it so I finally go back to handwriting notes.

Traveling Journals
I travelled a lot these years. I'd love to record my journeys on the paper. I will choose a refillable leather journal in A6 size. The size choosing is depend on yourself. An A6 notebook is not too large and not too small for me.
The fill-ins consist of many notebooks. Every time I run out of the fill-ins, I refill the journal with new ones. Then I will keep the used notebooks carefully in my bookcase. I love this feeling that every little used notebook is like a chapter of my life, and my life is a novel to be continued.
The leather cover can be used for a lifetime or even more than a lifetime. And the longer I use the cover, the leather of it is full of my own stories.

Work File
Handwriting can inspire me but when it comes to work, I will still choose to use a computer.
I work as an analysist with tons of numbers everyday. I analyze them and give a conclusion to them. An application can handle data much more better than me. And I have to tell the conclusion to person at other departments, using email.
I can't imagine how much time it will take to do all this without a computer. This is what advanced technology brings us, convenience.

To sum up, my daily life is a combination of tradition and technology. They are never the opposite to each other. All we need to do is to choose a solution that is good for us.

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