Collection: Leather Journal

To make your memory last. This is reason why leather journals are made.
Some may ask that if I want to keep my stories, I can use computers. But words typed are cold, while words written are warm. Every word you write down has a soul.
Handwriting is unique just like that every leather made item we make is unique. Experts can separate handwriting from one another, and whether you are happy or sad when you wrote the words. That's why people insist on handwriting.
To this, we make this lasting leather notebook.

Leather Bound Journal

Crafted with high-end leather by experienced craftsmen, a bound journal is well made for thoughts collecting.
Each page is handsewn to the journal. You need to be more thoughtful when creating a new content as there is no backspace on your pen.
A bound journal is usually thick enough to make you feel like you can record your whole life in it.

Leather Binder

A leather binder is suitable for multi-purpose in one journal.
You can make up a personalized leather journal for your own with the binder. Inner page can be replaced with any kinds, a blank one, one with dots, one with lines, or any other pages you costumed.
The pieces of the page can be added or reduced on your own.

Refillable Leather Journal

A refillable journal is literally refillable with inner pages.
Refills can be attached to the journal by elastic bands. Every time the inner page runs out, they can be taken placed by new ones.
The notebooks replaced can be kept carefully somewhere in a cabinet or a study. You can number them by order or by date so that you can review any moments of your life easily.

Leather Journal Cover

A leather notebook cover can protect your notebooks or books from scratches or dust. If you have a favorite journal or book, you can try our leather cover.

Notebook Sizes

A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | A9 | B5 | B6 |

Regular | Pocket | Passport | Small

Notebook Paper
Blank | Dot | Graph | Line | Kraft |

Planner | Todo | Financing | Memo

Start A Leather Journal Today
With our journals in different sizes and designs, you can record the journey of life now.
Every words on the paper shows your attitude to the world. Recording every step you make everyday in this beautiful world and many years later you find that every movement counts.